Seeking help vs self-respect

Which one?

Dear Authentic Introvert,

There are instances where we connect seeking help with our self-respect.

It could be asking for financial help from your parents or friends, or seeking guidance from someone whom you don’t want to show your vulnerability to.

And because self-respect is an undisputedly good personality trait to have, we often enforce it by making sacrifices.


Sometimes it’s important to look at the bigger picture to understand how to resolve this conflict or to see if there is even a conflict.

There are many examples of successful people where seeking help at a crucial time proved pivotal for them.

Maya Angelous encouraged Oprah Winfrey to focus on authenticity and self-awareness when she was stuck in her career at one point. If Oprah had refrained from seeking advice for the sake of her self-respect, we might not have heard her name today.

It’s important to understand that asking for help is not really in conflict with your self-respect when all you want is to overcome a challenge and grow.

There is no glory in losing just for the sake of self-respect.

You won’t find a single example in history where a person is hailed for failing because they never asked for help.

Therefore, when you feel stuck, never hesitate to ask the right people for help.

Key Takeaway:

There is no glory in not asking for help when you need it. Ask the right people whenever you’re stuck.


Sachin Sharma

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