Action, Lights, Camera!

The action-first approach for productivity.

Dear Authentic Introvert,

What if every project started with taking action first and taking care of the rest later?

I know it doesn’t make sense in certain scenarios, shooting a film being one of them.

But in everyday tasks, it can boost your productivity manifold.

Instead of waiting for motivation to strike, you can take action first and let everything else follow suit.

It saves a lot of time that we, introverts, waste because of:

It is especially helpful in tasks that offer no instant gratitude.

When you engage in tasks right away, your brain releases dopamine which creates a sense of reward.

The process itself becomes the purpose of doing stuff instead of the outcome.

This is a great hack adopted by experts and leaders across the business world.

And it only requires an effort the first few times and readily becomes a habit because of reinforced behavior.

Moreover, incomplete tasks get stuck in your mind causing constant stress.

Initiating a task incites desire for closure and to get rid of the burden once and for all.

This leads to further motivation to declutter your schedule asap.

And the best part – this helps you break the procrastination loop.

For instance, instead of waiting for motivation to write a book, start with an outline of the chapters that you want to include.

This creates a tunnel effect where once you get involved in a project, you keep working to get through it without being distracted.

If you are an introvert struggling with productivity, the action-first approach can be a game changer for you.

Give it a try and do let me know how it went.

Key Takeaway:

Take action and let the motivation follow.

Consistent small steps build momentum on your journey and help you get there faster.

From inaction to action,

Sachin Sharma

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