Not feeling motivated?

Don’t wait for it.

Dear Authentic Introvert,

We often complain that we don’t feel like working on something or we lack inspiration.

But do you know what is more likely to motivate you?

Getting to work.

It’s a proven fact that nothing inspires a person to do something more effectively than action.

Sitting on your couch and waiting for motivation makes you stuck in a loop.

A loop of inaction and lack of motivation.

You don’t want to work because you don’t feel motivated enough and you are not getting any motivation because you are not doing anything.

Writing random stuff on paper is more likely to get you to complete that article than sitting on your ass doomscrolling your phone and waiting for inspiration that may never come.

Inaction can only inspire lethargy and complacency whereas picking up the hammer inspires creation of masterpieces.

So, next time you are waiting for motivation, don’t! Better get to work.

Key Takeaway:

When you are lacking motivation, just show up and get to work.

Work causes motivation and not the other way around.


Sachin Sharma

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