Dear Authentic Introvert,
Everybody likes to be appreciated and this desire affects our decisions – to a greater extent in some than others.
And that’s natural.
The problem arises when it starts leading to stress and dissatisfaction, or worse, it starts controlling your actions.
Appreciation is like fool’s gold. It may seem useful when it incites action, but it eventually takes away your sense of purpose.
Due to your need for recognition and affirmation from others, you may constantly strive to be appreciated instead of focusing on adding true value to your own life.
Hell breaks loose when your efforts go unnoticed as it leads to disappointment and low self-esteem.
The key is to realize when such desires drive your actions.
You must pause and reflect on why you feel the need to be appreciated and liked.
Then move on to finding a greater purpose for doing what you do – a purpose that has nothing to do with how people perceive you.
Accept that you can’t control others’ perceptions. This will shift your focus to your actions and intentions rather than the outcomes.
Be grateful for what you have instead of constantly wishing for others’ privileges.
This helps reduce the need for external validation and teaches you to be accountable for your choices and decisions by making you self-aware.
Letting go of seeking validation has surprising long-term benefits. You find a sense of inner peace and contentment leading to personal growth.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does appreciation drive your actions – 1 being not at all and 10 being you won’t do it if nobody is there to appreciate?