"Why does everyone stare at me?"

– wonders every introvert.

Ever felt like you’re the center of attention for no reason?

Like everyone is staring at you when you’re just trying to enjoy a peaceful walk or a quiet moment in a cafe.

You’re not alone! But here’s a fact:

People are not really staring at you. They’re likely lost in their own thoughts or simply daydreaming.

Feeling self-conscious is normal. However, you are the main character in your story but not theirs.

Ironically, you may be making them feel stared at by noticing them staring at you (or not).

An effective fix is to keep yourself distracted by listening to your favorite playlist, podcast or reading something you like.

Practice mindfulness to stay grounded and calm your paranoid brain.

Train yourself in less crowded and more comfortable places and slowly ease yourself into a larger crowd.

Being an introvert, you are great at observing, reflecting, and enjoying solitude. Don’t let your overly conscious brain ruin that.

Talk to others and you’ll find many feel the same way as you which means it’s not something that’s happening exclusively to you.

Your cover is intact, and you’re blending in fine. Don’t worry.

Have you felt the same way too? Is there a specific exercise that helped you overcome this feeling?

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