Don't think you're the focus

because it’ll only make things harder.

Introverts are good at letting others take the credit for achievements they’ve contributed to.

But when it comes to facing failure or rejection, they can be just the opposite.

Remember when you are about to give a speech or presentation and fear that the audience might see through your flaws?

You are ready to take the blame for anything that might go wrong even if it’s not likely to go wrong.

This causes self-doubt and makes things harder than they are.

Reasearch shows that people seldom care about the presenter or the speaker (unless they are a celebrity) as much as they care about the content.

Even if you fumble or mispronounce, your audience is prepared to let it go more readily than you are.

This happens because we tend to give too much credit to ourselves for our failures.

Anything that doesn’t go as planned or even the anticipation of that happening hurts our ego.

You need to understand that your work – your topic and content is what matters, not you.

As soon as you realize this, your focus shifts from how you present to what you present, and your fear of rejection or failure will gradually fade away.

Just focus all your energy and passion on your work without worrying about how people might perceive you and you’re golden.

Because honestly, nobody cares.

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