I make introverts authentic & unstoppable!


Critical thinking is underrated

which is why you need to practice it more.

There is a scarcity of people who can offer honest feedback.

Because most either don’t care enough or they lack critical thinking.

When you are a creator, being critical is both a curse and a blessing.

It can potentially cripple you by seeing so many flaws in your own work that you tend to give up.

But it can also help you notice areas of improvement that can help you get better and grow.

Thanks to the culture of pleasing people, you won’t find many critical thinkers who speak their minds in the most popular creative industry – movies.

Instead of focusing on and learning from critical feedback, the big shots from this industry invest heavily in creating a false image.

There are big PR companies that are flourishing by offering their image management services, which is just a fancy name for making someone seem what they actually aren’t.

And a big part of their job is to keep honest criticism at bay.

No wonder the quality of films has been constantly deteriorating for the past few decades.

However, the thing about this approach is that it may help you earn a few million extras for the time being, but this system is designed to eventually fail like a skyscraper with a very weak foundation.

If you want to go far and be remembered as a legend in your industry, you must be a critical thinker and welcome honest criticism from others too.

Suppressing criticism is a classic sign of incompetence and unwillingness to do better.

It suits politicians and so-called influencers but not people like you who have actual value to offer with your skills.

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