Are you playing hide & seek at work?

But you’re the only one hiding.

Dear Authentic Introvert,

Trying to avoid the spotlight is a common trait among introverts.

But it becomes a problem when it starts hindering your growth.

Being shy of exposure absolutely doesn’t mean that you lack potential.

It just means you have to play this game a little differently.

Thankfully, it’s not a new game.

Many successful introverts have followed the same strategies before us.

All we need to do is follow in their footsteps.

Unlike the majority of extroverts, we need to maintain a balance between our public and personal lives.

We can’t say “yes” to everything, right?

That’s why we must identify opportunities among situations that seem like a waste of energy.

  • Start by creating or choosing an environment that best suits you and allows you to achieve your flow state.

  • Make sure you spare time to reflect on your day and find clues for the genuine and the worthwhile.

  • Identify your weaknesses (like public speaking and communicating) and fix them through preparation and practice.

  • Seek your right mentors and ask for their help in moving up the career ladder. Trust me, it helps them too.

  • No need to brag but people must know what you offer so they know who the right person for the job is when they are in a spot.

  • And most importantly, never run from high profile projects for fear of exposure. They are your chances hidden in disguise.

    (Plus, the loud ones usually don’t stand a chance against the calm and the quiet in such situations.)

Famous introverts like J K Rowling, Steven Spielberg and Warren Buffet followed these strategies at crucial times in their lives, and we know it turned out pretty well for them.

I’ve created a 5 minute video to explain these while taking examples from the lives of successful introverts like Rowling. I’m sure you’d love it.

Key Takeaway:

This video:

Cheering for you,

Sachin Sharma

P.S. No secret potions were used in the making of this video. Just pure introvert wisdom. 😉

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